Ainsley Carter
When you choose me as your midwife, this is how I'll care for you:

prenatal care
Regular prenatal visits in the comfort of your own home (monthly up to 30 weeks, biweekly through 36 weeks, and weekly until your baby is born-family and friends are welcome during your visits)
Routine labs
Informed choice discussions about your care
24/7 access to me by phone

labor & birth
Coaching in natural pain management techniques
Training & experience managing emergent situations
Certification in CPR and Neonatal Resuscitation

Regular in-home visits (3 days, 2 weeks, & 6 weeks, with more as needed)
Breastfeeding support, assessment, and advice
Newborn metabolic & Critical Congenital Heart Defect screenings
Continued monitoring of maternal recovery, emotional well-being, and newborn well-being
Family planning counseling
Routine laboratory and Pap tests, as needed